Please complete the following form to receive news and updates from The Kingsley School Alumnae.
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Maiden Name
Home Telephone
Mobile Telephone
Email Address*
When were you employed by The Kingsley School?
Year of starting e.g. 1986*
Year of leaving e.g. 1993*
What was your job title(s)? *
Please indicate which contact methods you are happy for us to use: *
Do we have your permission to contact you about the following? *
News and EventsCareers (including mentoring, work experience opportunities, support with careers events in school)
Your Stories
Please include any particular news, achievements, celebrations or travels you want to share with us.
Please tick if you are happy for this news to be shared in the Alumnae newsletter or on social media. I am happy for you to share my newsI would rather my news was not shared
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