Friends of Kingsley
What are we all about?
The Friends of Kingsley is the official name for the School’s PTA. The charity represents the whole school community of parents, pupils and staff from both the Senior and Prep School. Aside from events for pupils, we bring families together at events run throughout the year for parents and carers, a great way to meet other parents and to have some fun alongside your children. The proceeds from all events held go to equipment or initiatives at Kingsley.
Recent donations include:
• Sports field floodlights
• Equipment in Prep, Senior and Sixth Form playgrounds/gardens
• Ski team equipment
• Annual Achievement Awards for students
Our events include the annual Christmas Fayre, quiz nights, discos for the pupils and the Prep end of term family picnic.
This year we also purchased a Christmas gift for all the pupils across the schools, facilitated the purchase and design of tote bags for the new Year 7s and tea towels for the Prep School pupils featuring their self portraits.
The Friends of Kingsley also run the very popular Second Hand Uniform Sale termly, which parents find extremely useful to sell and buy additional uniform.
One of the easiest ways to support The Friends of Kingsley is through shopping. When the school community shop via AmazonSmile –, Amazon donates to our charity at no cost.
We are always looking for volunteers to help at events. Any time you can give we are all grateful for, we appreciate everyone is juggling children, work and other commitments.
If you’d like to find out more please get in touch via our email address. We really value parents input at meetings and look forward to hearing your ideas for future events!
Alex Smith
Co Chair
Julie Elliman
Co Chair
Jessica Delaney
Susie Bradshaw
Jonathan Cousins
How to get in touch with us
If you would like to join the Friends or would like to share any thoughts, then please email All help is welcome.
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