The Performing Arts Department invites all pupils to participate in the various extracurricular activities and lessons that it provides. Currently, over a third of all pupils across the school engage in either instrumental or speech and drama lessons.

Children in the Early Years up to Key Stage 1 are introduced to the Performing Arts through Music and Dance/Drama. This is further developed at Key Stage 2 where all students have music and drama class lessons. Curriculum drama and music are taught to all students at Key Stage 3 with GCSE options at Key Stage 4 and at A-level Key Stage 5.

Staff believe in pupils applying their knowledge from the lessons and consequently productions and concerts are a regular feature of the performance schedule. Your child will therefore be expected to develop their skills by participating in the various ensemble and club activities offered throughout the year. Regular performing events include concerts, productions, LAMDA soirees, revues, and GCSE and A-level performance evenings. Working in an ensemble is an effective way of learning and developing your child’s skills. As with productions and concerts, a disciplined, positive attitude is essential, and your child will be expected to attend all rehearsals regularly.

We also offer regular examinations for pupils taking instrumental or speech and drama lessons. The examination boards are:

Music – Associated Board of the Royal School of Music (ABRSM), Trinity College London
Drama and musical theatre – London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art (LAMDA)

Performing Arts rewards
The department recognizes pupils’ achievements through the school’s reward system and has specific badges for students in Senior School. These badges will be awarded at the end of each year to students who have shown exceptional commitment to and genuine progress in any of the disciplines. Bronze is awarded in Year 9, Silver in Year 10, and Gold in Year 12.

The department is supported by the Sixth Form Leadership students who have shown exceptional commitment and enthusiasm for the Performing Arts.

Performances and production
Every academic year in the Senior School the department puts on a musical theatre performance and/or a dramatic performance. The performances are usually in November and/or March. Students who wish to commit to the performances will be expected to attend all rehearsals and engage fully in the process.

The Prep School has an annual Year 6 production in June/July.

There is a rolling programme of concerts and performance evenings throughout the year in which both the Prep and Senior School students participate.

The department continues to present high-quality performances and all pupils who play a musical instrument, sing, dance, or act are welcome in all activities.

Arts Council Arts Award
The Performing Arts Department offers the RSC Shakespeare Challenge Explore Arts Award in addition to the National Arts Award scheme.

The Shakespeare Challenge is delivered through the drama curriculum and encourages students to develop a deeper awareness and understanding of Shakespeare.

Senior students interested in the general arts award are welcome to participate and achieve either a Bronze or Silver award although we recommend that Year 8 and 9 focus on the Bronze award and Year 10-12 focus on the Silver award.

Any Senior student taking part will have to show genuine commitment and enthusiasm as well as initiative. All participants will be expected to keep a detailed folder of their activities and work closely with their staff mentor. The folder and all other supporting evidence is assessed and moderated at the end of the year culminating in an award being given.

Claire Hunt
Performing Arts Administrator

Our LAMDA department offers 30-minute lessons to pupils either individually, in pairs, or in small groups.
The department currently teaches 30 Prep School pupils, where lessons are usually taught in small groups of 3 or 4, and 50 Senior School pupils, where lessons are usually taught in pairs or individually.
Pupils gain confidence and essential skills in presentation and conversation skills while working towards taking exams in the following disciplines:
  • Speaking Verse and Prose
  • Reading For Performance
  • Acting
  • Mime
  • Devising Drama
  • Choral and Recital
  • Public Speaking

Pupils get the opportunity to present work during assemblies and Performing Arts evenings.
UCAS points LAMDA now offers UCAS University points to Senior students achieving Bronze, Silver, and Gold level qualifications in Acting, Verse and Prose, and Speaking in Public. We are committed to encouraging as many students as possible to take these exams. LAMDA achievement at any level will enhance a pupil’s Personal Statement for University entrance. Lessons are charged termly.
The following are currently available and are chargeable termly: • Piano • Violin • Viola • Cello • Double Bass • Guitar – classical/electric and bass • Recorder (group and individual) • Flute • Clarinet • Saxophone • Oboe • Bassoon • Trumpet • Cornet • Trombone • French Horn • Tenor Horn • Singing (classical and musical theatre) • Theory Please note that musical theatre coaching lessons can be paired or small group sessions and are subject to availability. Requests for other instruments will be considered and, if there is enough demand, a teacher will be provided. Instrument hire A limited number of instruments are available for hire from school. Requests to hire an instrument should be indicated on the registration form. Instruments will be issued in working order. Any defects or breakages should be reported to the pupil’s teacher. We recommend that hired instruments are insured under your own household insurance to cover your liability for any accidental damage or loss. Under no circumstances should repairs be carried out by any other person than one nominated by the school. Damage caused by misuse or neglect, including accidental damage, has to be repaired at the hirer’s expense. Any damage which makes the instrument beyond repair will be liable for a “like for like” replacement by the hirer. String replacement for all string instruments will be at your expense, and you will be billed accordingly. If the school is not able to provide an instrument, we can put you in touch with Presto Classical, who operate a hire scheme. Practice books All students will be issued with a practice book. This is a very useful means of communication for parents and staff as well as keeping notes on your child’s progress. Your child will be expected to practise their exercises and pieces at home, and the teacher will inform you via the practice book of what they will need to do. Individual lessons Individual lessons are also available for pupils throughout the school. Requests for lessons are made on the subject application forms along with the registration form and sent to the Head of Performing Arts. However, we strongly recommend that the maximum number of lessons that a child can register for is two, except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the Headteacher. The lessons are accommodated within the school day as follows: Preparatory (Prep) School – pupils are timetabled so as to minimise disruption and may have a fixed time each week, although in most circumstances a rota system may be more appropriate. Key Stage 3 and Year 10 – pupils are normally taught on a rota system which means that they have a different lesson time each week, allowing for minimal disruption, where possible, to the range of curriculum lessons. Year 11 and Sixth Form – pupils are timetabled out of curriculum time (i.e., before school, lunchtime, and after school where possible, subject to the teacher’s availability). Payment for lessons You will be billed in advance per term for ten half-hour lessons. Please note that the terms are not always equal in length; consequently, your child may receive more lessons in one term than another. However, over the entire year, 30 lessons will be taught. Students in the examination years (Year 11 and Year 13) will automatically finish after receiving 25 lessons or by the summer half term. Fees will be adjusted automatically. Absences A lesson will only be made up or refunded where the teacher concerned is unable to teach owing to personal illness or a pre-arranged professional engagement. Refunds cannot be given when your child is absent unless it is a school-organised trip or event that prevents them from attending. In this case, it is your child’s responsibility to arrange another time with their teacher before the trip takes place. Cancellation of lessons It is necessary for planning and administration purposes that a full term’s notice is required in writing to Otherwise, the fees for the following term will be charged. To stop lessons at the end of the Winter term – Notice by 30 September To stop lessons at the end of the Spring term – Notice by 30 January To stop lessons at the end of the Summer term – Notice by 30 April
All pupils are actively encouraged to take part in extra-curricular activities including the school show, drama/dance evenings, end of term concerts, soloist showcases, LAMDA evenings, tea time concerts, GCSE and A-level performances, Senior Drama Club This club only runs when working towards a performance.
String Project This project offers pupils the opportunity, usually in the summer term of Year 1 or 2, to begin learning violin in pairs or groups of 3 at a reduced cost for a year. After the first year, pupils who wish to continue will move on to the normal instrument tuition timetable. All pupils will learn violin or cello in Year 3 as part of their curriculum music lesson. Woodwind Project This project is only available subject to demand and offers pupils in Years 4 and 5 the opportunity to begin playing a woodwind instrument for one year at a reduced charge. Lessons are taught in groups of 3 or 4 pupils playing the same instrument. After the first year, pupils who wish to continue will move to the normal instrumental tuition timetable. This is a reduced charge activity for the first year only – thereafter full fees apply. The following activities are free: Prep Strings This activity is open to all violinists, violists, and cellists at the discretion of the Head of Strings. Recorder Club This lunchtime activity is available to any pupil irrespective of age up to Grade 1. This is a group activity that introduces pupils to the delights of ensemble playing through simple recorder music. Pupils should provide their own recorder. Recorder Ensemble Pupils who have already developed basic playing and reading skills of a reasonable standard should take part in this ensemble. Pupils who make sufficient progress will be given the opportunity to learn the treble and tenor recorder. Pupils should provide their own descant recorder, as there are only a few available for hire. Prep Wind Band All woodwind and percussion players from Grade 1 to Grade 3 should take part in this activity. Prep Choir This is available for all students in Years 2–6. Pupils will be introduced to more demanding work in two and three parts.
We expect students to attend all rehearsals as the ensembles invariably prepare for the end-of-term concerts. If there is a clash of activities, such as a sporting activity, this is negotiated with the Head of Performing Arts and Head of PE. Many groups perform regularly at venues outside school. Recent engagements have included venues such as St Mary’s Church, Warwick, Leamington Town Hall, St Mark’s Church, Leamington, and Adrian Boult Hall, Birmingham. Senior Strings All pupils who are Grade 3 and above are expected to take part in this activity. The ensemble will not only learn music for performances but will provide excellent ensemble training. There is no charge for this activity. Depending on demand and available students, smaller chamber ensembles such as string quartets may be formed. Intermediate Strings A bridging group between Prep and Senior Strings. Guitar Ensemble All guitarists who are Grade 3 or above are expected to take part in this free activity. Swing Band This is open to all students by invitation based on their experience and skills. Choir This is open to all Senior pupils and staff. A wide range of musical styles will be studied and performed. Cantus Amoris This is a small chamber choir formed at the invitation of the Head of Vocal Studies. Flute Ensemble All flautists are welcome to join this group, at the discretion of the Teacher of Flute. Flute Quartet This is a small group formed at the invitation of the Teacher of Flute, which tackles more advanced repertoire. Orchestra This group is made up of members of a variety of other ensembles. The following activities may also be offered throughout the year, subject to numbers and staff availability: brass ensemble, senior recorder ensemble, and woodwind ensemble.
The charges for extra subjects will be as follows: Music Instrumental lessons: £310 - per term of 10 lessons Theory/Composition – Group of 3: £183 - per term of 10 lessons Theory/Composition – Individual: £310 - per term of 10 lessons Hire of Instruments: £22-£64.50 - per term Speech and Drama lessons Group Lessons: £165 - per term of 10 lessons Senior Paired Lessons: £183 - per term of 10 lessons Individual Lessons: £310 - per term of 10 lessons
I would like my child to start lessons – what should I do? Complete and sign the appropriate subject application forms and the registration form. Please send them to the Performing Arts Department c/o Mrs. Hunt in the Prep School. The application will be processed, and your child will start lessons as soon as possible. Please note the registration form confirms your acceptance of the terms and conditions for the delivery of lessons and activities. We will not be able to offer your child a lesson if the registration form is not signed and returned. What happens if no teacher is available? Your child will be placed on a waiting list. What costs will I incur? You will pay for lessons a term in advance, and any examination fees will only be charged if your child is entered for them. There is a one-off payment for the practice book. What happens if my child wants to stop lessons? We are sure you will appreciate the school has to give the peripatetic staff reasonable notice to any changes to their conditions of employment. Therefore, a full term’s notice should always be given and, should your child stop lessons before the end of the notice, you will still be liable for the fees. You must write to requesting the cessation of lessons. Please do not stop the lessons without consulting the Department in writing, as you may incur a term’s fees. What happens if my child does not receive their 30 lessons by the end of the year? This rarely happens as most teachers are usually able to offer more than 30 lessons throughout the year. However, in the event of a shortfall, you will be refunded the difference at the end of the academic year. Can my child have more than 30 lessons and how am I charged for this? At the end of the first summer half term, you will be sent a letter if it is possible to offer your child more than 30 lessons. Should you agree and lessons continue, you will be charged at the end of the academic year on a pro-rata basis. Who do I talk to if there is a problem? Please contact in the first instance, or the individual instrumental teacher for problems of a technical nature. Why are some extra-curricular activities chargeable? Some of the staff who take extra-curricular activities are part-time and therefore have to be paid for their extra hours. Why are my child’s lessons on fixed days – can lessons be moved to another day? The peripatetic staff have other teaching or professional engagements. If the teacher concerned is here for more than one day, then there is scope for changing the set day. However, changing one child’s day can have a huge impact on all the other pupils within the teacher’s remit. So we only allow changes if absolutely necessary.
The Kingsley School