1st September 2023 Kingsley News

Major investment in educational projects at the Kingsley School

Kingsley is delighted to announce a major series of investments which will take the school to new heights.


The investment includes facilities development, including onsite and offsite sports provision, as well as new educational partnerships and programmes, covering:


  • Internationalism through our Round Square schools programmes
  • Music performance
  • Future-ready skills through a partnership with 8billionideas


Mr Mercer-Kelly, Head Teacher, commented: “This major investment in the fabric and purpose of Kingsley will see even more exceptional opportunities for all our pupils.  In newly developed facilities, our pupils will have more opportunities for sport, and the focus on internationalism and future-ready skills will ensure that are as well-equipped as possible for their life beyond our doors.”


This is a truly exciting time for the whole Kingsley community. We are indeed ready for Take Off!

The Kingsley School